After many attempts googling for this I found this blog, but I didn't describe how to set the additional settings.
So I ended up by trying the "AddFieldAsXml(string strXml)" and I got to this:
Warning: The syntax coloration had trouble displaying the [\"] so just replace the ["] in the string with [\"].
So I ended up by trying the "AddFieldAsXml(string strXml)" and I got to this:
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
// create survey list and get guid
Guid guidList = web.Lists.Add(SURVEY_NAME, String.Empty, SPListTemplateType.Survey);
// Build XML rating question
string xmlField = "<Field Type=\"GridChoice\" DisplayName=\"How cool is Djavan ROA?\" Required=\"TRUE\" GridStartNum=\"1\" GridEndNum=\"5\" GridTxtRng1=\"Low\" GridTxtRng2=\"Average\" GridTxtRng3=\"High\" StaticName=\"How_x0020_cool_x0020_is_x0020_Dj\" Name=\"How_x0020_cool_x0020_is_x0020_Dj\"><CHOICES><CHOICE>Rating</CHOICE></CHOICES></Field>";
// Add the question
catch (Exception ex)
// Exception handling
Warning: The syntax coloration had trouble displaying the [\"] so just replace the ["] in the string with [\"].
A question is a field (column), you should look in SPList.Fields