Change SQL Server Collation on an Azure VM

Microsoft Azure has a very nice set of VM templates to have you going fast when provisioning new machines including pre-configured SQL Servers.


Unfortunately those SQL Server templates come with the default “SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS” collation when created.

If you’re used to building SharePoint Server infrastructures you probably know that SharePoint will require using “Latin1General_CI_AS_KS_WS”, so in order to use the stock VM template you must change the collation.

Chance is that this operation is pretty simple according to documentation

On Azure SQL Server VM Templates the setup media can be found en the “C:\” drive, on my SQL 2016 example it is under “C:\SQLServerFull\”.


Here are the steps:

(Remember that if you have existing data you’ll have to backup before proceeding)

1) Loggon to the server with the SQL admin account, in my case I use the local admin account “sqladmin” that was created with my fresh VM

2) Open a command promp and navigate to the sql installation media “C:\SQLServerFull\”

2) Run the following command



And “VoilĂ ” it’s done:

